In the 90s, as we approached the 21st century, we faced the IT revolution, and building a new power system incorporating IT was something that Korea could do better than any other country.
Having recognized the need for this field early on, YPP has continuously accumulated the best technology in this field.
Our efforts to prepare for the future began to produce results in the 21st century.
In the 2000s, YPP successfully carried out large-scale energy equipment projects such as creation of a substation protection system, substation automation system, and water resource power plant automation system for KEPCO and plant electrical equipment automation system for POSCO, SK, and Hyundai Heavy Industries. This was possible thanks to the fact that the company had been reformed and prepared for the future one step ahead of our customers. As a leading company in power equipment and systems, YPP will continue to do its best to become a leading player in the uninterrupted power era.
- 2009
Changed the company name to YPP Inc.
- 2008
Supplied ECMS (Electrical Equipment Control & Monitoring System) to Saudi Arabia
- 2007
Selected as an INNO-BIZ company
- 2006
Developed a triple first-grade digital protection relay panel for nuclear power plants
- 2005
Obtained the ISO14001 Certification (C.I.L: CI/9195E)
- 2002
Developed an ECMS for thermal power plants
Relocated the Seoul office and factory (# 304, Daeryung Techno Town 3rd, 448 Gasan-dong, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul)
Developed 345kV/765kV transmission line protection panel
- 2001
AMETEK Co. Partner
- 2000
Developed 154kV transmission line protection panel
Opened the Seoul office
(1411-24, Sillimbon-dong, Gwanak-gu, Seoul) -
Changed the company name to YPP Digitech Co., Ltd